Author: admin

Closing workshop for the project “Training epidemiologists and biostatisticians for enhanced response to disease outbreak and epidemic in west Africa” funded by EDCTP2


Prof Romain Glèlè Kakaï, the coordinator of the TEBWA project has joined the Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium as a group lead on Malaria.

Professor Romain Glèlè Kakai is a Full Professor of Biostatistics and Forest Estimations at the University of Abomey-Calavi. He is the PI of the EDCTP2-funded project “Training Epidemiologists and Biostatisticians for enhanced response to disease out…

An intensive 5-days workshop of the TEBWA project: capacity building in mentoring and systematic reviews and fellows’ proposal review

The TEBWA project involves two M.Sc. programs, and the project fellows are expected to carry out research at the end of their training. To ensure that their fellows comple…

TEBWA fellows, members of LABEF and foreign students in different training programmes at LABEF gathered at Cotonou Beach for a relaxation time

TEBWA fellows, members of LABEF and foreign students in different training programmes are very committed and hardworking people. After a period of hard work, they gathered at Cotonou Beach for a relaxation time. Far from their books and computers, they had fun, danced, socialized, and enjoyed special dishes made in Benin.