Our mentoring programme

The TEBWA project has given a high emphasise to the mentoring of its fellows. The project has planned to pair each fellow with two mentors: one local mentor from Benin (for at least two years) and one from foreign mentor, from the LSHTM (for at least one year). The local mentors have been selected through a competitive process and then paired with the TEBWA fellows. The process consisted in the following steps:
- Step 1: 30 potential mentors have been identified and sufficiently informed of the mentoring program and the conditions
- Step 2: The potential mentors were invited to submit their short bio (300 mots) and a full CV to the secretariat of the project
- Step 3: All the short bio and full CV received were shared with the TEBWA fellows who were given two weeks to make three choices and rank them.
- Step 4: The summary of the selection was made, and local mentors attributed to each TEBWA fellows based on its own choice
- Step 5: Signature of the agreement of the mentoring program.
- Step 6: Beginning of the mentoring program. The program begun in December 2021 and one ordinary meeting is planned monthly between the mentee and the mentor